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Attention to the wheelchair

Attention to the wheelchair

Ningbo – Zhejiang – China, close Shanghai18868944843Facebook
Industry > OTHERS

Attention to the wheelchair
(1) Seat width: measure the distance between the two hips or between the two strands when sitting down. After adding 5cm, there is a gap of 2.5cm on each side after sitting down. If the seat is too narrow, it is more difficult to get on and off the wheelchair, and the hip and thigh tissues are compressed; if the seat is too wide, it is difficult to sit firmly, it is inconvenient to operate the wheelchair, the limbs are easily fatigued, and it is difficult to enter and exit the gate.
(2) Seat length: measure the horizontal distance between the rear buttocks and the gastrocnemius muscle of the calf when sitting down, and subtract 6.5cm from the measurement result. If the seat is too short, the weight will mainly fall on the ischium, which may easily cause excessive local compression; if the seat is too long, it will compress the popliteal fossa, affect local blood circulation, and easily irritate the skin. For patients with shorter thighs or with hip and knee flexion contractures, a short seat is better.
(3) Seat height: measure the distance from the heel (or heel) to the popliteal fossa when sitting down, and add 4cm. When placing the pedal, the board should be at least 5cm from the ground. If the seat is too high, the wheelchair cannot fit at the table; if the seat is too low, the seat bones will bear too much weight.
⑷ Cushion In order to be comfortable and prevent bedsores, a cushion should be placed on the chair of the wheelchair. Common seat cushions are foam rubber cushions (5-10cm thick) or gel cushions. In order to prevent the seat from sinking, a 0.6cm thick plywood can be placed under the seat cushion.
⑸*Back height: The higher the back is, the more stable it is, and the lower the back is, the greater the activity of the upper body and upper limbs. Low back: measure the distance from the sitting surface to the armpit (with one or both arms stretched forward) and subtract 10cm from this result. High back: measure the actual height from the sitting surface to the shoulder or occiput.

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